Welcome to the 19th volume of the Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism. Though we have accepted a number of excellent articles, we are welcoming further high quality submissions. The journal is pleased to be getting ever-increasing recognition for making a positive contribution to scholarship in the area of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism.

As the articles included in previous volumes indicate, the scope of this journal remains broad, with articles welcome on many areas of relevance to the journal’s aims. Nevertheless, the approach of the journal is also specific—to publish only the highest quality articles that examine the ways in which the Greco-Roman world was the world of the New Testament and early Judaism. The emphasis in the journal is thus on a range of possible approaches and bodies of material, including historical, linguistic, papyrological, epigraphical and synthetic studies of the kind that are often lacking in other journals. In fact, we encourage contributors to attempt to draw various areas of related knowledge together in their submissions.

The format of the journal has changed slightly with our switch to Wipf & Stock Publishers for Volume 12 onwards, as the online articles are no longer removed once the print volume is released. Our unique combination of presenting the journal first on-line and then in a printed annual volume allows us to offer the results of recent scholarly research in a quick and timely, but also durable manner. We are able to keep the waiting time for posting of articles to a minimum through this process. Once an article is submitted and finally accepted, it can then enter a short queue for posting at the next available monthly posting time. Apart from the correction of typographical and formatting errors, the print form for each article is identical to the electronic form. The publishers of this annual volume were Sheffield Phoenix Press (Volumes 1-11)(www.sheffieldphoenix.com). It is now published by McMaster Divinity College Press and Wipf & Stock Publishers. Please note that the format of this electronic journal is such that the print form maintains the exact same pagination as that of the electronic form, which is posted in pdf format, and should be cited just as any journal would be—with volume number, date and page numbers.

I appreciate very much the work that has gone into the production of this volume. The table of contents will always let readers know of what has been posted to date in a given volume. We will continue to maintain on-line a complete list of contents of previous volumes with abstracts, and all book reviews (which will usually only appear in the electronic version), for your reference. Our continued commitment is to make the journal postings regularly and promptly. Again, I would like to invite as many contributors as possible to consider letting the Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism be their first outlet for substantial and expert work in the areas of the journal’s purview. Please send your contributions to me at the address below. We also welcome submission of book reviews for posting.

Professor Dr Stanley E. Porter, Senior Editor
Dr Matthew Brook O'Donnell and Dr Wendy J. Porter, Editors
Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism
McMaster Divinity College, 1280 Main St. W.Hamilton, ON Canada L8S 4K1
